Hi, I’m Paola with how-accessible.com. The blog with tons of resources and guides to make your life more accessible.

Enjoying time outdoors with friends and family is a big part of the summer season, so we set out to find the best tricks and tips to make grilling more accessible for people with different levels of physical abilities.

1. Choose the Right Type of Grill Setup for You

Believe it or not, there are actually a few choices you should consider when deciding what type of grill is more accessible for you.  You can choose between Table Top Grills, Charcoal Grills, or Luxury Accessible Gas Grills.

Table Top Grill

The Table Top Grill is by far the easiest to set up and transport. It is also great because you can place it on a stable roll under surface and control its height and the distance you need to reach across the grill. In addition, you have a prep and transfer surface immediately available reducing the risk for spills or burns. It’s one drawback is that the cooking surface is often small and doesn’t work well for large groups.

Standing Charcol Grill

A  Standing Charcoal Grill gives you more space to cook and that out-door cooking experience but it also adds a few factors when considering accessibility. Being able to transfer the charcoal from the packaging to the grill is the first consideration. Some options, if you have limited strength and dexterity, are Hard Wood Charcoal which is lighter than regular coals and Single-Use-Bag Charcoal Briquets.

If you are using this type of grill you need to account for the height and stability of the unit. Reaching the food comfortably and avoiding excess heat is important. Key features to look for are strong breaks and a steady base. This option is versatile and works well for a variety of situations.

An Accessible Gas Grill


An Accessible Gas grill is your third option. A model was released by Lynx Grills in early 2014. The ADA Grill has several great design features for cooks that are wheelchair users. It has a 32-inch cooking surface (as opposed to the normal 36 inches), an elevated bottom that can fit casters, a side lid handle and a hood assist that will keep you from needing to stretching out of your chair to push the hood back. This grill is meant for avid users as its price starts at $3,200.

Use the Right Tools for the Food You’re Grilling and Your Dexterity Level

A grill master is only as good as their tools so it is the second most important consideration when making grilling a more accessible task. The key is quality tools with materials that transfer the least amount of heat and have extended reach.

Must Haves Include:

  • Spatula
  • Grill Tongs
  • Grill Fork

Keep Easy to Operate Safety Items within Reach

Safety is important no matter your skill level when grilling.  To keep you safe we recommend you add the following items to your grilling accessories.

High Heat Gloves


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